MediaWiki talk:Vector.css

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Some styling got lost due to recent CSS copy

Due to a human error, some essential styling got lost. This can be fixed by adding the CSS from before the CSS change to the bottom (or top) of the current CSS. I've also seen a mistake with importing the Lucida font, which I'll hopefully fix tomorrow. --DarkShadowTNT via 21:30, 28 January 2018 (UTC)

As promised, this should be the font import rule, declared before any other styling (this is excluding any comments).
 * Import the font Lucida Sans Unicode. First try local, then
 * download the font if the font cannot be found locally.
@font-face {
    font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode Regular";
    src: local("Lucida Sans Unicode"),
         url("") format("truetype");
In the rule that determines the font, change it to this:
 * Change default font to Lucida Sans Unicode with some back-up
 * fonts if needed.
div#content h1,
div#content h2,
div#content h3,
div#content h4,
div#content h5,
div#content h6,
div#content #firstHeading {
    font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode Regular", sans-serif;
In here, the earlier-declared font family, Lucida Sans Unicode Regular, is used, with a generic sans-serif font as a back up when none of the specified fonts in the family Lucida Sans Unicode Regular are found. --DarkShadowTNT (tc) 07:12, 29 January 2018 (UTC)
Fonts used on a wiki should be free fonts only and for those, we upload them to our central font server. Pointing to dropbox is definitely not encouraged. So if you have a link to a completely free version of the font, i can make it available — Game widow (talk) 13:53, 29 January 2018 (UTC)
The dropbox upload was a temp-solution I made as I couldn't find the font via FontManager nor a way to directly upload it to the wiki and you had advised to have it available if an OS didn't have it by default; but I've fixed that mistake for now; as much as I preferred to error-proof any potential issues.--LaDestitute (talk) 14:19, 29 January 2018 (UTC)
Only Gamepedia staff (like me) can upload fonts to font manager — Game widow (talk) 14:20, 29 January 2018 (UTC)
Ah. Thanks for the insight. I've changed the font to now be Roboto Regular (already present as font in the font manager). This font is in most cases awfully close to the non-free Lucida font. True, this font is a little more condensed, but still good enough to be readable. Changed CSS can be copied from my common.css. I've also decided to not go with Consolas anymore as default editing font, as that one is likely non-free too. --DarkShadowTNT (tc) 16:07, 29 January 2018 (UTC)