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This is the documentation page. It will be transcluded into the main module page. See Template:Documentation for more information

This module is a sub-module of Module:LootChest. It's sole purpose is to output loot table data from across the game.

-- These 'items' define which sprite, label and link to use in the table.
-- Properties 'cannot_stack', 'preserve_case', and 'plural' describe how to display the single-item summary in p.base2.
-- Order within this 'items' list doesn't matter.

return {
	--- Aether Items
	["aechor-petal"]		= { "item" },
	["aerogel"]				= { "block" },
	["agility-cape"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["ambrosium-shard"]		= { "item" },
	["ambrosium-torch"]		= { "item" , plural="ambrosium torches" },
	["angelic-stone"]		= { "block" , plural=false, link="Dungeon Stone" },
	["blue-berry"]			= { "item" , plural="blue berries" },
	["blue-gummy-swet"]		= { "item" },
	["blue-moa-egg"]		= { "item" , link="Moa Egg" },
	["book-of-lore"]		= { "item" , cannot_stack=true, title='Book of Lore' },
	["carved-stone"]		= { "block", plural=false, link="Dungeon Stone" },
	["chainmail-gloves"]	= { "item", link="Gloves", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["cloud-staff"]			= { "item", plural="cloud staves", cannot_stack=true },
	["enchanted-berry"]		= { "item", plural="enchanted berries" },
	["enchanted-dart"]		= { "item" },
	["enchanted-dart-shooter"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["enchanted-gravitite"]	= { "block", plural=false},
	["flaming-sword"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-amber"]		= { "item", plural=false},
	["golden-dart"]			= { "item" },
	["golden-dart-shooter"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-feather"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-gummy-sweat"]	= { "item" },
	["golden-pendant"]		= { "item", link="Pendant", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-ring"]			= { "item", link="Ring", cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-axe"]		= { "item", link="Gravitite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-boots"]		= { "item", link="Gravitite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-chestplate"]= { "item", link="Gravitite Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-gloves"]	= { "item", link="Gravitite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-helmet"]	= { "item", link="Gravitite Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-leggings"]	= { "item", link="Gravitite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-ore"]		= { "block", plural=false },
	["gravitite-pickaxe"]	= { "item", link="Gravitite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["gravitite-sword"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["hammer-of-kingbdogz"]	= { "item", title="Hamer of Kingbdogz", cannot_stack=true, plural="hammers of kingbdogz" },
	["healing-stone"]		= { "item" },
	["holy-sword"]			= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["holystone-pickaxe"]	= { "item", link="Holystone Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["holystone-sword"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["ice-pendant"]			= { "item", link="Pendant", cannot_stack=true },
	["ice-ring"]			= { "item", link="Ring", cannot_stack=true },
	["icestone"]			= { "block", plural=false },
	["invisibility-cloak"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-bubble"]			= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-pendant"]		= { "item", link="Pendant", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-ring"]			= { "item", link="Ring", cannot_stack=true },
	["life-shard"]			= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["light-angelic-stone"]	= { "block", link="Dungeon Stone", plural=false },
	["lightning-knife"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true, plural="lightning knives" },
	["lightning-sword"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["disc-aether-tune"]	= { "item", id='music-disc-aether-tune', title="Blue Music Disc", link="Music Disc", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["disc-ascending-dawn"]	= { "item", id='music-disc-ascending-dawn', title="Valkyrie Music Disc", link="Music Disc", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["neptune-boots"]		= { "item", link="Neptune Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["neptune-chestplate"]	= { "item", link="Neptune Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["neptune-gloves"]		= { "item", link="Neptune Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["neptune-helmet"]		= { "item", link="Neptune Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["neptune-leggings"]	= { "item", link="Neptune Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["phoenix-boots"]		= { "item", link="Phoenix Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["phoenix-bow"]			= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["phoenix-chestplate"]	= { "item", link="Phoenix Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["phoenix-gloves"]		= { "item", link="Phoenix Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["phoenix-helmet"]		= { "item", link="Phoenix Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["phoenix-leggings"]	= { "item", link="Phoenix Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["pig-slayer"]			= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["pillar"]				= { "block" },
	["pillar-top"]			= { "block" },
	["poison-dart"]			= { "item" },
	["poison-dart-shooter"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["regeneration-stone"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["sentry-boots"]		= { "item", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["sentry-stone"]		= { "block", link="Dungeon Stone", plural=false },
	["shield-of-repulsion"]	= { "item", title="Shield of Repulsion", plural="shields of repulsion", cannot_stack=true },
	["skyroot-pickaxe"]		= { "item", link="Holystone Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["skyroot-planks"]		= { "block", plural=false },
	["skyroot-poison-bucket"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["skyroot-remedy-bucket"]	= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["swet-cape"]			= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-leggings"]	= { "item", link="Valkyrie Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-axe"]		= { "item", link="Valkyrie Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-boots"]		= { "item", link="Valkyrie Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-cape"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-chestplate"]	= { "item", link="Valkyrie Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-gloves"]		= { "item", link="Valkyrie Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-helmet"]		= { "item", link="Valkyrie Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-hoe"]		= { "item", link="Valkyrie Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-lance"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-pickaxe"]	= { "item", link="Valkyrie Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["valkyrie-shovel"]		= { "item", link="Valkyrie Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["vampire-blade"]		= { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["white-moa-egg"]		= { "item", link="Moa Egg" },
	["zanite-axe"]			= { "item", link="Zanite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-boots"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-chestplate"]	= { "item", link="Zanite Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-gemstone"]		= { "item" },
	["zanite-gloves"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-helmet"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-hoe"]			= { "item", link="Zanite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-leggings"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-pendant"]		= { "item", link="Pendant", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-pickaxe"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-ring"]			= { "item", link="Ring", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-shovel"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["zanite-sword"]		= { "item", link="Zanite Tool", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-gloves"]	= { "item", id="iron-gloves", title="Enchanted Iron Gloves", link="Gloves", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["chainmail-gloves"]	 = { "item", link="Gloves", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	--- For Loot Chest Display Purposes
	["valkyrie-set"]		= { "item", id='valkyrie-chestplate' , link="Valkyrie Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true},
	["neptune-armor"]		= { "item", id='neptune-chestplate' , link="Neptune Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true},
	["gravitite-set"]		= { "item", id='gravitite-chestplate' , link="Gravitite Armor", plural=false, cannot_stack=true},
	["gold-treasure"]		= { "item", id='phoenix-chestplate' , link="Gold Dungeon", plural=false, cannot_stack=true},
	--- Vanilla Minecraft Items in Aether loot tables
	["arrow"]               = { "item", link="mcw:Arrow" },
	["bucket"]              = { "item", link="mcw:Bucket" },
	["chainmail-boots"]     = { "item", link="mcw:Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["chainmail-chestplate"]= { "item", link="mcw:Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["chainmail-helmet"]    = { "item", link="mcw:Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["chainmail-leggings"]  = { "item", link="mcw:Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["feather"]             = { "item", link="mcw:Feather" },
	["flint"]               = { "item", plural=false, link="mcw:Flint" },
	["glowstone-dust"]		= { "item", plural=false, link="mcw:Glowstone dust" }, 
	["golden-sword"]        = { "item", link="mcw:Sword", cannot_stack=true },
	["heavy-weighted-pressure-plate"]	= { "block", link="mcw:Pressure Plate" },
	["iron-sword"]          = { "item", link="mcw:Sword", cannot_stack=true },
	["disc-cat"]            = { "item", id='music-disc-cat', title="Music Disc (cat)", link="mcw:Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["name-tag"]            = { "item", link="mcw:Name tag" },
	["obsidian"]            = { "block", plural=false, link="mcw:Obsidian" },
	["saddle"]              = { "item", cannot_stack=true, link="mcw:Saddle" },
	["shield"]				= { "item", cannot_stack=true, link="mcw:Shield" },
	["string"]              = { "item", plural=false, link="mcw:String" },
	["water-bucket"]        = { "item", cannot_stack=true, link="mcw:Water bucket" },
	["random-enchanted-iron-axe"]			= { "item", id="iron-axe", title="Enchanted Iron Axe", link="mcw:Axe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-boots"]			= { "item", id="iron-boots", title="Enchanted Iron Boots", link="mcw:Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-chestplate"]	= { "item", id="iron-chestplate", title="Enchanted Iron Chestplate", link="mcw:Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-helmet"]		= { "item", id="iron-helmet", title="Enchanted Iron Helmet", link="mcw:Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-hoe"]			= { "item", id="iron-hoe", title="Enchanted Iron Hoe", link="mcw:Hoe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-leggings"]		= { "item", id="iron-leggings", title="Enchanted Iron Leggings", link="mcw:Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-pickaxe"]		= { "item", id="iron-pickaxe", title="Enchanted Iron Pickaxe", link="mcw:Pickaxe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-shovel"]		= { "item", id="iron-shovel", title="Enchanted Iron Shovel", link="Smcw:hovel", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-iron-sword"]			= { "item", id="iron-sword", title="Enchanted Iron Sword", link="mcw:Sword", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	--- Vanilla Minecraft Items
	["acacia-log"]          = { "block", link="Log" },
	["acacia-sapling"]      = { "block", link="Sapling" },
	["activator-rail"]      = { "block" },
	["amethyst-shard"]      = { "item" },
	["angler-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["ancient-debris"]      = { "block", plural=false },
	["apple"]               = { "item" },
	["archer-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["arms-up-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["baked-potato"]        = { "item" },
	["bamboo"]              = { "item", plural=false },
	["barrel"]              = { "block" },
	["basalt"]				= { "block", plural=false },
	["beetroot"]            = { "item" },
	["beetroot-seeds"]      = { "item", plural=false },
	["beetroot-soup"]		= { "item", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["bell"]				= { "block" },
	["birch-log"]           = { "block", link="Log" },
	["birch-sapling"]       = { "block", link="Sapling" },
	["black-wool"]          = { "block", link="Wool", plural=false },
	["blade-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["block-of-gold"]       = { "block", title="Block of Gold", link="Block of Gold", plural="blocks of gold" },
	["block-of-iron"]       = { "block", title="Block of Iron", link="Block of Iron", plural="blocks of iron" },
	["blue-dye"]			= { "item", link="Dye", plural=false },
	["blue-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["blue-ice"]			= { "block", plural=false },
	["bone"]                = { "item" },
	["bone-block"]          = { "block" },
	["book"]                = { "item" },
	["book-and-quill"]      = { "item", plural=false, title="Book and Quill" },
	["bottle-o'-enchanting"]= { "item", title="Bottle o' Enchanting", plural="bottles o' enchanting" },
	["bread"]               = { "item", plural=false },
	["brewer-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["brick"]				= { "item" },
	["brown-candle"]		= { "block", link="Candle" },
	["brown-mushroom"]      = { "block", link="Mushroom" },
	["brown-wool"]          = { "block", link="Wool", plural=false },
    ["buried-treasure-map"] = { "item", link="Explorer Map" },
	["burn-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["cactus"]              = { "block", plural=false },
	["cake"]                = { "block", plural=false },
	["candle"]              = { "item" },
	["carrot"]              = { "item" },
	["chain"]               = { "block" },
	["clay-ball"]			= { "item", link="Clay Ball", plural=false },
	["clock"]				= { "item" },
	["coal"]                = { "item", plural=false },
	["cocoa-beans"]         = { "item", plural=false },
	["cooked-cod"]          = { "item", plural=false},
	["cooked-porkchop"]		= { "item" },
	["cooked-salmon"]       = { "item", plural=false},
	["compass"]             = { "item" },
	["crimson-fungus"]		= { "block", link="Fungus", plural= "crimson fungi" },
	["crimson-nylium"]		= { "block", link="Nylium", plural=false},
	["crimson-roots"]		= { "block", link="Roots", plural=false},
	["crossbow"]            = { "item", cannot_stack=true },
	["crying-obsidian"]		= { "block" },
	["dandelion"]			= { "block", link="Flower" },
	["danger-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["dark-oak-log"]        = { "block", link="Log" },
	["dark-oak-sapling"]    = { "block", link="Sapling" },
	["dead-bush"]			= { "block", link="Dead Bush" },
	["detector-rail"]       = { "block" },
	["diamond"]             = { "item" },
	["diamond-boots"]		= { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["diamond-chestplate"]  = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["diamond-helmet"]		= { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["diamond-hoe"]         = { "item", link="Hoe", cannot_stack=true },
	["diamond-horse-armor"] = { "item", link="Horse Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["diamond-leggings"]	= { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["diamond-shovel"]		= { "item", link="Shovel", cannot_stack=true },
	["diamond-sword"]		= { "item", link="Sword", cannot_stack=true },
	["disc-13"]             = { "item", id='music-disc-13', title="Music Disc (13)", link="Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["disc-fragment-5"]     = { "item", title="Disc Fragment (5)", link="Disc Fragment" },
	["disc-mellohi"]        = { "item", id='music-disc-mellohi', title="Music Disc (mellohi)", link="Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["disc-pigstep"]		= { "item", id='music-disc-pigstep', title = "Music Disc (Pigstep)", link="Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["disc-wait"]           = { "item", id='music-disc-wait', title="Music Disc (wait)", link="Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["disc-otherside"]      = { "item", id='music-disc-otherside',title="Music Disc (otherside)", link="Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["disc-relic"]          = { "item", id='music-disc-relic',title="Music Disc (Relic)", link="Music Disc", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["echo-shard"]          = { "item" },
	["egg"]           		= { "item" },
	["emerald"]             = { "item" },
	["empty-map"]           = { "item", link="Map", title="Empty Map" },
	["enchanted-book"]		= { "item", id='enchanted-book', title="Enchanted Book", link="Enchanted Book", cannot_stack=true, note="enchant-with-levels-30" },
	["enchanted-book-rnd"]  = { "item", id='enchanted-book', title="Enchanted Book", link="Enchanted Book", cannot_stack=true, note="enchant-randomly" },
	["enchanted-book-rnd-soul-speed"] = { "item", id='enchanted-book', title="Enchanted Book", link="Enchanted Book", cannot_stack=true, note="enchant-randomly-soul-speed" },
	["enchanted-book-rnd-swift-sneak"] = { "item", id='enchanted-book', title="Enchanted Book", link="Enchanted Book", cannot_stack=true, note="enchant-randomly-swift-sneak" },
	["enchanted-fishing-rod"] = { "item", id="fishing-rod", link="Fishing Rod", cannot_stack=true, note="enchant-randomly" },
	["enchanted-golden-apple"]	= { "item" },
	["ender-pearl"]         = { "item" },
	["explorer-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["fern"]				= { "block", link="Grass" },
	["fire-charge"]			= { "item" },
	["flint-and-steel"]     = { "item", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["flower-pot"]			= { "item" },
	["friend-pottery-sherd"]= { "item", link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["furnace"]             = { "block" },
	["gilded-blackstone"]	= { "block", plural=false },
	["glistering-melon-slice"] = { "item" },
	["glowstone"]			= { "block" },
	["glow-berries"]        = { "item", plural=false },
	["goat-horn"]       	= { "item", cannot_stack=true, note="regular-goat-horn" },
	["golden-apple"]        = { "item" },
	["golden-boots"]		= { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["golden-carrot"]		= { "item" },
	["golden-chestplate"]   = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-helmet"]       = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-hoe"]			= { "item", link="Hoe", cannot_stack=true },
	["golden-horse-armor"]  = { "item", link="Horse Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["golden-leggings"]		= { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["gold-ingot"]          = { "item" },
	["gold-nugget"]         = { "item" },
	["grass"]				= { "block", link="Grass", plural=false },
	["gray-wool"]           = { "block", link="Wool", plural=false },
	["green-candle"]		= { "block", link="Candle" },
	["green-dye"]			= { "item", link="Dye", plural=false },
	["gunpowder"]           = { "item", plural=false },
	["heart-of-the-sea"]    = { "item", plural=false, link="Heart of the Sea" },
	["heart-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["heartbreak-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["host-armor-trim-smithing-template"]	= { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["howl-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["ink-sac"]             = { "item" },
	["iron-axe"]        	= { "item", link="Axe", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-boots"]          = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["iron-chestplate"]     = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-helmet"]         = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-horse-armor"]    = { "item", link="Horse Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["iron-ingot"]          = { "item" },
	["iron-leggings"]       = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["iron-nugget"]         = { "item" },
	["iron-pickaxe"]        = { "item", link="Pickaxe", cannot_stack=true },
	["iron-shovel"]         = { "item", link="Shovel", cannot_stack=true },
	["jungle-log"]          = { "block", link="Log" },
	["jungle-sapling"]      = { "block", link="Sapling" },
	["lapis-lazuli"]        = { "item", plural=false },
	["large-fern"]			= { "block", link="Grass" },
	["lead"]                = { "item" },
	["leather"]      		= { "item", plural=false },
	["leather-boots"]       = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["leather-cap"]         = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["leather-pants"]       = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["leather-tunic"]       = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["light-blue-dye"]		= { "item", link="Dye", plural=false },
	["light-blue-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["light-gray-wool"]     = { "block", link="Wool", plural=false },
	["light-weighted-pressure-plate"] = { "block", link="Pressure Plate" },
	["lodestone"]			= { "block" },
	["magenta-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["melon-seeds"]         = { "item", plural=false },
	["magma-cream"]         = { "item", plural=false },
	["magma-block"]			= { "block" },
	["mangrove-log"]        = { "block", link="Log" },
	["miner-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["moss-block"]          = { "block" },
	["mourner-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["netherite-boots"]     = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["netherite-chestplate"]= { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["netherite-helmet"]    = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true },
	["netherite-ingot"]     = { "item" },
	["netherite-leggings"]  = { "item", link="Armor", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["netherite-scrap"]     = { "item" },
	["nether-wart"]         = { "item", plural=false },
	["nether-quartz"]		= { "item", plural=false },
	["oak-hanging-sign"]	= { "block", link="Hanging Sign" },
	["oak-log"]             = { "block", link="Log" },
	["oak-planks"]          = { "block", link="Planks", id="oak-wood-planks", plural=false },
	["oak-sapling"]         = { "block", link="Sapling" },
	["oak-sign"]            = { "item", link="Sign" },
	["orange-dye"]			= { "item", link="Dye", plural=false },
	["packed-ice"]          = { "block" },
	["paper"]               = { "item", plural=false },
	["pink-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["plenty-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["poisonous-potato"]    = { "item", plural="poisonous potatoes" },
	["polished-basalt"]		= { "block", plural=false },
	["poppy"]				= { "block", link="Flower", plural="poppies" },
	["potato"]              = { "item", plural="potatoes" },
	["potion-of-healing"]   = { "item", link="Potion", title="Potion of Healing", plural=false, preserve_case=true },
	["potion-of-regeneration"] = { "item", link="Potion", title="Potion of Regeneration", plural=false, preserve_case=true },
	["potion-of-water-breathing"] = { "item", link="Potion", title="Potion of Water Breathing", plural=false, preserve_case=true },
	["powered-rail"]        = { "block", title="Powered Rail", plural=false },
	["prismarine-crystals"] = { "item", plural=false },
	["prize-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["pumpkin"]             = { "block" },
	["pumpkin-pie"]         = { "item", plural=false },
	["pumpkin-seeds"]       = { "item", plural=false },
	["purple-candle"]		= { "block", link="Candle" },
	["purple-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["rail"]                = { "block", title="Rails", plural=false },
	["raiser-armor-trim-smithing-template"]	= { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["raw-beef"]		    = { "item", link="Raw Beef", plural=false },
	["raw-cod"]             = { "item", link="Raw Cod", plural=false },
	["raw-mutton"]			= { "item", link="Raw Mutton", plural=false },
	["raw-porkchop"]		= { "item", link="Raw Porkchop" },
	["raw-salmon"]          = { "item", link="Raw Salmon", plural=false },
	["red-candle"]			= { "block", link="Candle" },
	["red-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["redstone"]            = { "item", id="redstone-dust", title="Redstone Dust", plural=false },
	["rotten-flesh"]        = { "item", plural=false },
	["sand"]                = { "block", plural=false },
	["sculk"]               = { "block" },
	["sculk-catalyst"]      = { "block" },
	["sculk-sensor"]        = { "block" },
	["shaper-armor-trim-smithing-template"]= { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["sheaf-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["shears"]              = { "item", plural=false, cannot_stack=true },
	["shelter-pottery-sherd"]= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["skull-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["smooth-stone"]		= { "block", plural=false },
	["sniffer-egg"]			= { "block" },
	["snort-pottery-sherd"]	= { "item" , link="Pottery Sherd" },
	["snowball"]			= { "item", link="Snowball" },
	["snow-block"]			= { "block", link="Snow Block" },
	["snout-banner-pattern"]= { "item", id="banner-pattern", link="Banner Pattern", cannot_stack=true },
	["soul-sand"]			= { "block" },
	["soul-torch"]          = { "block", link="Torch" },
	["spectral-arrow"]      = { "item" },
	["spider-eye"]          = { "item" },
	["spruce-hanging-sign"]	= { "block", link="Hanging Sign" },
	["spruce-log"]          = { "block", link="Log" },
	["spruce-sapling"]      = { "block", link="Sapling" },
	["spruce-sign"]     	= { "item", link="Sign" },
	["stick"]               = { "item" },
	["stone"]               = { "block", plural=false },
	["stone-axe"]           = { "item", link="Axe", cannot_stack=true },
	["stone-bricks"]        = { "block", plural=false },
	["stone-pickaxe"]       = { "item", link="Pickaxe", cannot_stack=true },
	["suspicious-stew"]     = { "item", plural=false, note="suspicious-stew" },
	["suspicious-stew-2"]   = { "item", plural=false, note="suspicious-stew-2", id="suspicious-stew", link="Suspicious Stew", title="Suspicious Stew" },
	["sweet-berries"]       = { "item", plural=false },
	["tall-grass"]			= { "block", plural=false, link="Grass" },
	["tnt"]                 = { "block", title="TNT", plural=false, preserve_case=true },
	["torch"]               = { "block" },
	["tripwire-hook"]       = { "block" },
	["wayfinder-armor-trim-smithing-template"]	= { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["wheat"]               = { "item", plural=false },
	["wheat-seeds"]         = { "item", plural=false },
	["white-dye"]			= { "item", link="Dye", plural=false },
	["white-wool"]          = { "block", link="Wool", plural=false },
	["wooden-axe"]          = { "item", link="Axe", cannot_stack=true },
	["wooden-hoe"]          = { "item", link="Hoe", cannot_stack=true },
	["wooden-pickaxe"]      = { "item", link="Pickaxe", cannot_stack=true },
	["yellow-dye"]			= { "item", link="Dye", plural=false },
	["yellow-stained-glass-pane"]	= { "block", link="Glass Pane" },
	["map"]                 = { "item", link="Map", note="map" },
	["coast-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["dune-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["eye-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["netherite-upgrade-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["rib-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["sentry-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["silence-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["snout-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["spire-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["tide-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["vex-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["ward-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["wild-armor-trim-smithing-template"] = { "item", link="Smithing Template" },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-axe"] = { "item", id="netherite-axe", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Axe", link="Axe", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.15-0.85", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-netherite-boots"]				= { "item", id="netherite-boots", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false},
	["damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-boots"] = { "item", id="netherite-boots", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-20", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-boots"] = { "item", id="netherite-boots", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-netherite-chestplate"]		= { "item", id="netherite-chestplate", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true},
	["damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-chestplate"] = { "item", id="netherite-chestplate", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-20", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-chestplate"] = { "item", id="netherite-chestplate", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-netherite-helmet"]			= { "item", id="netherite-helmet", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true},
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-hoe"] = { "item", id="netherite-hoe", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Hoe", link="Hoe", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.1-0.95", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-helmet"] = { "item", id="netherite-helmet", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-20", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-helmet"] = { "item", id="netherite-helmet", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-netherite-leggings"]			= { "item", id="netherite-leggings", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false},
	["damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-leggings"] = { "item", id="netherite-leggings", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-20", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-leggings"]	= { "item", id="netherite-leggings", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-pickaxe"] = { "item", id="netherite-pickaxe", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Pickaxe", link="Pickaxe", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.1-0.95", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-shovel"] = { "item", id="netherite-shovel", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Shovel", link="Shovel", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.15-0.45", cannot_stack=true},
	["damaged-netherite-sword"]				= { "item", id="netherite-sword", link="Sword", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true},
	["damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-sword"] = { "item", id="netherite-sword", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-with-levels-5-20", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-sword"] = { "item", id="netherite-sword", title="Damaged Enchanted Netherite Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-diamond-boots"]				= { "item", id="diamond-boots", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false},
	["level-enchanted-diamond-boots"]		= { "item", id="diamond-boots", title="Enchanted Diamond Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-boots"] = { "item", id="diamond-boots", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-boots-2"] = { "item", id="diamond-boots", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-diamond-chestplate"]			= { "item", id="diamond-chestplate", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true},
	["level-enchanted-diamond-chestplate"]	= { "item", id="diamond-chestplate", title="Enchanted Diamond Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-chestplate"] = { "item", id="diamond-chestplate", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-chestplate-2"] = { "item", id="diamond-chestplate", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-diamond-helmet"]				= { "item", id="diamond-helmet", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true},
	["level-enchanted-diamond-helmet"]		= { "item", id="diamond-helmet", title="Enchanted Diamond Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-helmet"] = { "item", id="diamond-helmet", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-helmet-2"] = { "item", id="diamond-helmet", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-diamond-leggings"]			= { "item", id="diamond-leggings", link="Armor", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false},
	["level-enchanted-diamond-leggings"]	= { "item", id="diamond-leggings", title="Enchanted Diamond Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-leggings"] = { "item", id="diamond-leggings", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-leggings-2"] = { "item", id="diamond-leggings", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe"]		= { "item", id="diamond-pickaxe", title="Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe", link="Pickaxe", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe"]    = { "item", id="diamond-pickaxe", title="Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe", link="Pickaxe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true, },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe"] = { "item", id="diamond-pickaxe", title="Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe", link="Pickaxe", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.15-0.95", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-shovel"]		= { "item", id="diamond-shovel", title="Enchanted Diamond Shovel", link="Shovel", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-shovel"] = { "item", id="diamond-shovel", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Shovel", link="Shovel", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.15-0.45", cannot_stack=true},
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-shovel-2"] = { "item", id="diamond-shovel", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Shovel", link="Shovel", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.15-0.8", cannot_stack=true},
	["damaged-diamond-sword"]				= { "item", id="diamond-sword", link="Sword", note="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true},
	["level-enchanted-diamond-sword"]		= { "item", id="diamond-sword", title="Enchanted Diamond Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-sword"] = { "item", id="diamond-sword", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-sword-2"] = { "item", id="diamond-sword", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-boots"]			= { "item", id="iron-boots", title="Enchanted Iron Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["level-enchanted-iron-chestplate"]		= { "item", id="iron-chestplate", title="Enchanted Iron Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-helmet"]			= { "item", id="iron-helmet", title="Enchanted Iron Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-leggings"]		= { "item", id="iron-leggings", title="Enchanted Iron Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["level-enchanted-iron-pickaxe"]		= { "item", id="iron-pickaxe", title="Enchanted Iron Pickaxe", link="Pickaxe", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-shovel"]			= { "item", id="iron-shovel", title="Enchanted Iron Shovel", link="Shovel", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-sword"]			= { "item", id="iron-sword", title="Enchanted Iron Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-iron-sword"] = { "item", id="iron-sword", title="Damaged Enchanted Iron Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.1-0.9", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-golden-axe"]			= { "item", id="golden-axe", title="Enchanted Golden Axe", link="Axe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-golden-boots"]      	= { "item", id="golden-boots", title="Enchanted Golden Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-15", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["random-enchanted-golden-boots"]		= { "item", id="golden-boots", title="Enchanted Golden Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["soul-speed-enchanted-golden-boots"]   = { "item", id="golden-boots", title="Enchanted Golden Boots with Soul Speed", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly-soul-speed", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["level-enchanted-golden-chestplate"]	= { "item", id="golden-chestplate", title="Enchanted Golden Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-15", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-golden-chestplate"]	= { "item", id="golden-chestplate", title="Enchanted Golden Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-golden-helmet"]		= { "item", id="golden-helmet", title="Enchanted Golden Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-golden-helmet"]		= { "item", id="golden-helmet", title="Enchanted Golden Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-golden-hoe"]			= { "item", id="golden-hoe", title="Enchanted Golden Hoe", link="Hoe", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-golden-hoe"]			= { "item", id="golden-hoe", title="Enchanted Golden Hoe", link="Hoe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-golden-leggings"]		= { "item", id="golden-leggings", title="Enchanted Golden Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-20-39", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["random-enchanted-golden-leggings"]	= { "item", id="golden-leggings", title="Enchanted Golden Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["random-enchanted-golden-pickaxe"]		= { "item", id="golden-pickaxe", title="Enchanted Golden Pickaxe", link="Pickaxe", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-golden-shovel"]		= { "item", id="golden-shovel", title="Enchanted Golden Shovel", link="Shovel", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-golden-sword"]		= { "item", id="golden-sword", title="Enchanted Golden Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-leather-boots"]		= { "item", id="leather-boots", title="Enchanted Leather Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["random-enchanted-leather-cap"]		= { "item", id="leather-cap", title="Enchanted Leather Cap", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-leather-pants"]		= { "item", id="leather-pants", title="Enchanted Leather Pants", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true, plural=false },
	["random-enchanted-leather-tunic"]		= { "item", id="leather-tunic", title="Enchanted Leather Tunic", link="Armor", note="enchant-randomly", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-level-enchanted-crossbow"]	= { "item", id="crossbow", title="Damaged Enchanted Crossbow", link="Crossbow", note="enchant-with-levels-20-25", note1="damaged-0.05-0.15", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-crossbow"]	= { "item", id="crossbow", title="Damaged Enchanted Crossbow", link="Crossbow", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.1-0.5", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-random-enchanted-crossbow-2"]	= { "item", id="crossbow", title="Damaged Enchanted Crossbow", link="Crossbow", note="enchant-randomly", note1="damaged-0.1-0.9", cannot_stack=true },
	["damaged-level-enchanted-diamond-hoe"] = { "item", id="diamond-hoe", title="Damaged Enchanted Diamond Hoe", link="Hoe", note="enchant-with-levels-30-50", note1="damaged-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-leggings-3"]  = { "item", id="diamond-leggings", title="Enchanted Diamond Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-30-50", cannot_stack=true, plural=false},

	["empty"]						= { "block", id="air", link='', title='Nothing', plural=false, note="nothing" },

	-- Items for bonus-barrel from Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34

	["level-enchanted-bow"]                 = { "item", id="bow", title="Enchanted Bow", link="Bow", note="enchant-with-levels-1-30-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-effect-arrow"]					= { "item", id="bow", title="Arrow", link="Arrow", note="random-effect-arrow" },
	["random-effect-tipped-arrow"]			= { "item", id="tipped-arrow", title="Random Tipped Arrow", link="Arrow", note="random-effect" },
	["random-effect-potion"]				= { "item", id="potion", title="Random Potion", link="Arrow", note="random-effect" },
	["random-effect-splash-potion"]			= { "item", id="splash-potion", title="Random Splash Potion", link="Arrow", note="random-effect" },
	["random-effect-lingering-potion"]		= { "item", id="lingering-potion", title="Random Lingering Potion", link="Arrow", note="random-effect" },
	["level-enchanted-leather-tunic"]		= { "item", id="leather-tunic", title="Enchanted Leather Tunic", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-leather-boots"]		= { "item", id="leather-boots", title="Enchanted Leather Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-leather-cap"]			= { "item", id="leather-cap", title="Enchanted Leather Cap", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-leather-pants"]		= { "item", id="leather-pants", title="Enchanted Leather Pants", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-chestplate-2"]		= { "item", id="iron-chestplate", title="Enchanted Iron Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-boots-2"]			= { "item", id="iron-boots", title="Enchanted Iron Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-helmet-2"]			= { "item", id="iron-helmet", title="Enchanted Iron Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-leggings-2"]		= { "item", id="iron-leggings", title="Enchanted Iron Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-chestplate-2"]	= { "item", id="diamond-chestplate", title="Enchanted Diamond Chestplate", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-boots-2"]		= { "item", id="diamond-boots", title="Enchanted Diamond Boots", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-helmet-2"]		= { "item", id="diamond-helmet", title="Enchanted Diamond Helmet", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-leggings-2"]	= { "item", id="diamond-leggings", title="Enchanted Diamond Leggings", link="Armor", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-stone-sword"]	= { "item", id="stone-sword", title="Enchanted Stone Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-iron-sword-2"]	= { "item", id="iron-sword", title="Enchanted Iron Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["level-enchanted-diamond-sword-2"]	= { "item", id="diamond-sword", title="Enchanted Diamond Sword", link="Sword", note="enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure", cannot_stack=true },
	["random-enchanted-crossbow"] = { "item", id="crossbow", title="BFC9000", link="Crossbow", note="enchant-randomly-multishot", cannot_stack=true },
	["blue-key"] = { "item" },
	["yellow-key"] = { "item" },
	["red-key"] = { "item" },