
From Aether Project Wiki
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To Do


Blocks ⬅️

  • Gather screenshots for pages.
  • Get more accurate data for stuff in pages when going over them again. ⬅️
    • Info for what structures specifically some blocks spawn in.
  • More info on version history.
    • All info from these updates:
    • Maybe I should actually make more in depth version history info using commits but I just need to organize it a bit better like in a table, the minecraft version or like "Aether 1.10" and right after it is the sub sections for commits then their info. Maybe "Aether 1.10 " for example would be a specific release or something, I'd need to get a lot of info about releases though. It's complicated because there are a lot of lost builds so it is hard to get specific versions for when stuff released.


  • Include abilities and uses in descriptions of weapons and tools.
  • Tool pages are like Axes, Pickaxes, etc.
    • Delete all pages for a ore+tool type because there are a lot of redundant tool pages.
    • "Bolt" will be a page that has all bolt types.
    • "Crossbow" will be a page that has all crossbow types.
    • Include section "Abilities" to just copy paste describe all the ore abilities.
  • Items
    • Healing Stone
      • Includes Depleted Healing Stone



  • Organize by Biome as well as Passive/Neutral/Hostile Alignment on the directory page.
  • Moa page will have rotating colors for display.



  • Include continent information.
  • Will include short descriptions and links to pages such as Biomes, Caves, Structures, etc. instead of other "item" content pages.


  • On the directory page will be info about how Brandon's biome density system works.
  • Include music section for each biome.
  • Includes mobs and blocks for the biome.
  • Includes weather info.



  • Make a trees structure page linked from a Naturally Generated page?
  • Moa Nest page.






Inventory Additions

  • Divide the Guidebook pages into various sections for the inventory page.


Player Trading

Donator Rewards

Book of Lore

  • Wait on 1.14 to avoid page name changes breaking other version pages too much.



  • Create directory. ✅
  • Create Ores directory.
  • More redirects will have to be made based on names of any Genesis of the Void blocks after this is finished.
  • Blocks
    • Holystone
      • Includes Blood Moss Holystone









Inventory Additions


Donator Rewards

  • Wait for 1.12 Rewrite



  • Create directory. ✅
  • Create Ores directory.
  • Dungeon Blocks
    • Carved Stone
      • Links to the modern Sentrystone page but in the Aether I tab, also includes the lit version below the main brick display. The infobox labels it as Carved Stone though in this version.
    • Angelic Stone
      • Will link to a modern equivalent page but in the Aether I tab and include a lit version below the main brick display. The infobox will label it as Angelic Stone in this version.
    • Hellfire Stone
      • Links to the modern Hellfirestone page but in the Aether I tab, also includes the lit version below the main brick display. The infobox labels it as Hellfire Stone though in this version.
    • White Gold Pillar
      • Will likely link to whatever page includes modern Angelic Stone.
    • Carved White Gold Pillar
      • Will likely link to whatever page includes modern Angelic Stone. Included with the White Gold Pillar.


  • Cloud Sentry trivia: Info about the myth of whatever food item they dropped being on the old wiki and how it is not true.


  • Create cape renders to display for cape pages.







Main Page

  • Info for next week-in-review.

Mod Pages

  • Mod Pages will have short descriptions with links to corresponding content sections.
  • Include dates and mod version info.
  • Include banners (with round edges) or logos at the top of the pages for mods.
  • Mod Pages will have more in depth contributor and developer mentions since for example, Aether I had a lot of contributors for coding, concepts, etc.
  • Move any content descriptions to their content pages instead of being included on the mod pages.
  • Download links.
  • Highlands page will have the posters in the Gallery.
Aether Legacy
  • Remove page.
  • Create page.
  • Include Phosphor performance graph on page.


  • Create NPC template and add a tabber system to switch between viewing the mob model or the mob portrait (see: Undertale Wiki). Also included will be something saying whether the NPC type (shop, story, service, etc.).
  • Create NPC stock template to display possible shop stocks that NPCs can have.
  • Create Highlands Block Navbox after those block pages have been finished with the correct redirects.
  • Remove or Edit Environment Navbox.
  • Create Mob template with info such as defenses, attacks, and other Guidebook info. Also include tabber or separate displays for mob gender. Separate displays for baby models will also be included (see
  • Holiday Content navbox?


  • Create "Concepts" category for pages that aren't lore or in the mod like with the Gruegar.


  • Organize Lore so I can have sections for stuff like non-canon lore, all the info about the Aether's nations, and then the Book of Lore posts.
  • Mention supported languages somewhere on the Highlands mod page
  • Include links to Book of Lore (Oscar's lore entries) pages on any pages like Zanite that have a corresponding entry.
  • In quotes for Aether I, include the Book of Lore entry description.
  • The Inventory page includes all various tabs across the versions like the traveller's guidebook and the patreon tabs and basic accessory tabs in different versions.
  • Possible future page for instanced zones such as the Necromancer's Tower.
    • I can include floor plan schematics along with a description of each floor, as well as a list of blocks for the Tower.
  • Create Gilt Costs page like how there are chart pages for other stuff.
  • Make a lot of new links in the item infoboxes.
  • Review:

Current Test Pages
